So recently in the news, travel operators and airlines have started reopening routes to certain European countries such a Spain. This is great for some who cannot wait to get out into the heat, but surely we need to take into process the safety of crew and passengers onboard aircraft? Some airlines are including full PPE (inlc. full suits to cover crew and face shields), however UK carrier easyJet has opted for just a facemask approach. While this does protect crew from transmitting anything to passengers and vice-versa it does leave some questions. For example, crew will have to fly there and back shifts so would be exposed to two lots of people in the confines of the aircraft and as such should be - in my opinion - be provided with additional PPE like Qatar has done. Travel is indeed possible as shown through the openings of the borders, is it safe? According to the experts it should be ok... That's great news, but if only we were not at the same number of cases pr...